Mission of buddhist university: cultural and anthropological foundations



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The fundamental problem of a modern university is its identity, its self-determination, its design of its mission. Cardinal changes in the external environment, new social demands, the emergence of a global knowledge society, tough economic competition have also affected the higher education system. Determining the mission of the university has always been one of the most important epistemological tasks of the philosophy of science and education.

Buddhism, Buddhist philosophy are characterized by a holistic teaching about the world and man, their deep relationship. At all stages of its historical and cultural development, the values ​​and truths of Buddhism were transmitted primarily through educational institutions, forming a unique educational tradition. The educational tradition as a basic component of Buddhist culture is one of the main transmission mechanisms for the philosophical teachings of Buddhism. The tradition of understanding Buddhism as an education continued, and a type of Buddhist monastery-universities as educational centers was formed in Ancient India.

The Buddhist education system is based on the centuries-old history of Buddhism, peoples traditionally professing Buddhism. Deeply anthropocentric in its content, Buddhist culture has made the question of the nature of man and his place in the world the main problem of its philosophical teachings.

The mission of the Buddhist University has remained unchanged to this day - spiritual, moral, intellectual perfection of a person, leading to Awakening; promoting the spread of the ideas of Buddhism throughout the world.

The systems and methods of the Buddhist educational tradition correlate with the scientific and theoretical approaches adopted in modern secular science and education, have heuristic value for creating new educational programs based on the dialogue between science and religion, faith and knowledge, West and East.

Buddhist educational programs at universities fulfill another important mission - as centers for the training of qualified specialists in the history and philosophy of Buddhism, they act as special channels of communication between the Buddhist world and other regions of the world, forming a space for interstate and intercultural dialogue.

Key words: University, mission, Buddhism, Buddhist University, cultural anthropology.




How to Cite

Badmaev, V. (2021). Mission of buddhist university: cultural and anthropological foundations. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 76(2), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.26577/jpcp.2021.v76.i2.05