The hypothesis of the prefigurative culture of digital generation Y, Z in the Post-Soviet space
The article is devoted to the analysis of the term of prefigurative culture in the context of Strauss-
Howe’s generational theory. The analysis, in particular, states that innovative technologies are changing
the very nature of man and his social connections in societies that focus on further improving and
introducing innovative digital technologies in the fields of social communications, professional activities,
education of the younger generation, science and other fields. The aim of the research is to put a
hypothesis of the prefigurative digital culture of Generation Y, Z and to try to answer the question of the
possibility of changing the fundamental characteristics of the human being included in the new digital
reality. The paradox of its essence lies in its belonging to the world of people and to the world of the
inhuman forces of nature. The anthropological approach assesses degree and result of the interaction
between technology and man.
Key words: prefigurative culture, generation Y, generation Z, digital culture, virtual reality, Central
Asian countries.