Концепция о правителе в философии аль-Фараби


  • Sandybayev Zh. S. Египетский университет исламской культуры Нур-Мубарак
  • Abzhalov S. U. Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. Ходжа Ахмеда Ясави


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The article is devoted to the concept of the Ruler in the philosophy of al-Farabi. The Thinker argues
that the Ruler of a virtuous city must be both an “imam”, a “philosopher” (scientist), because only they
are gifted people who are called to rule society.
The ruler, according to al-Farabi, is a chosen person with a special intellect and wonderful human
qualities. As a scientist, he is not limited to simple common knowledge about the people. Also, the ruler
should be able to figuratively convey in words his knowledge and guide the inhabitants of the city to
happiness. To this end, he believes that the true Ruler should be concerned about one thing – this is
concern for the inhabitants of the city for many years. The pratitel in the philosophy of al-Farabi has innate
qualities, such as love of truth, justice, selfless fulfillment of good, honor, hatred of lies, contempt
for flattery, etc.
Al-Farabi’s first leadership can be achieved in the following ways: first in man there is a sublime
intellect, then in him there is a progressive intellect, and then, as described in Aristotle’s book On the
Soul, there is an active intellect. Such a person was called a real akim by the ancients.
According to the authors, the logic of a happy society, which al-Farabi so craved, lies in the art of
management, knowledge and methods, about which so much is said in his works. The image of a scientist
leader is an example. As before, it is tirelessly necessary to improve public administration, the system
of power, and instill good in members of society.
Key words: Al-Farabi, first leader, society, happiness, philosopher.


Как цитировать

Zh. S., S., & S. U., A. (2020). Концепция о правителе в философии аль-Фараби. Вестник КазНУ. Серия философии, культурологии и политологии, 72(2), 16–23. https://doi.org/10.26577/jpcp.2020.v72.i2.02