Sacral places as instrument of branding of the territory


  • Қ. С. Ермағанбетова Eurasian national university named after L. Gumilev
  • Ж. М. Макимбаева Eurasian national university named after L. Gumilev
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In this article sacral places is considered as the instrument of branding of the territory and it is made a krosskulturny research of sacral places in the territory of Kazakhstan. Brendirovany territories became an urgent problem of HH_ of a century. Cultural historical values of the territory are the social, cultural, economic and symbolical capital of the country. The author places emphasis on religious and cultural practicians in Arystanbab’s mausoleums, Hodge Ahmet of Yassavi, Gauhar Ana which are in the territory of the Southern Kazakhstan and Beckett’s mosques of anti-terrorist operation, Shopan of anti-terrorist operations which are in the territory of the Mangystausky region. These places are brands of the territory, and for the sake of them there come internal and external tourists here. The research strategy is based on the methodological principles of comparing, the visual and phenomenological study of sacred places. For research used the following methods: visual method, and anthropological methods (observation and description). The significance of the work connected with the study of sacred places, which are one of the main tools of branding areas to improve the attractiveness of regions.
Key words: brand, territory brand, sub-brand, sacral places, sacred places, cultural practice.


How to Cite

Ермағанбетова, Қ. С., & Макимбаева, Ж. М. (2018). Sacral places as instrument of branding of the territory. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 59(1), 221–230. Retrieved from