EAST patristic and philosophical and theological culture phenomenon middle ages


  • Н. К. Дюсенова
  • Р. А. Баженов
        96 221


east patristika, philosophy, process, Christian culture, culture of the people of the East, everyday morals, orientation.


East patristika is the complete ontologic picture of life including anthropological,
cosmological, gnoseological, theological ideas. It reflects
on process of philosophical works of religious thinkers and represents a
cultural, philosophical, religious phenomenon of orthodox outlook. The
Byzantine culture was considerably enriched with elements of culture of
the people of the East that gave it unique color. The contribution of the
Eastern people to formation and development of the Byzantine civilization
is essential. For Christian dogma there was nothing more dangerous and
more necessary, than systematization of philosophical knowledge for the
purpose of the solution of theological tasks. Orientation of Christian culture
to antique heritage was most of all shown in relation to the most concentrated
expression of the essence of an ellinstvo – philosophy. Fight was
aggravated by the fact, that against Christianity in III-Y of centuries there
were not systems of everyday morals, like stoicism and an epikureizm, but
the original philosophizing about life undertaking to answer deep questions
of human spirit.


Бычков. В.В. Эстетика поздней античности. II-III вв. – М., 1981. – С.85.
2 Гуревич А.Н. Категории средневековой культуры. – М., 1984. – С. 19.
3 Культура Византии. Первая половина VII века. – М., 1984. – С. 44.
4 Удальцова З.В. Некоторые нерешенные проблемы истории византийской культуры // Византийский временник. –
М., 1980. – С. 56.




How to Cite

Дюсенова, Н. К., & Баженов, Р. А. (2015). EAST patristic and philosophical and theological culture phenomenon middle ages. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/45