The happiness and unhappiness concepts in the al-Maturidi and al-Ash’ari beliefs


  • Б. Қ. Бейсенов Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Т. У. Юлдашев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Н. Мұқан Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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The article discusses the concepts of happiness and unhappiness in the religious system of al-Maturidi and al-Ash’ari within Islamic research. The authors resonate particularly of al-Maturidi and alAsh’ari religious beliefs on the happiness and unhappiness of human. In Islam the concept of happiness was studied comprehensively and universally. Happy is a person, gifted with all the benefits in Islamic teachings. Accordingly, the unfortunate man is viewed not received any good. Material goods the world can contribute to a successful life, but can’t guarantee happiness. Happiness is a gift of the Creator. The difference between the concepts of happiness and unhappiness of al-Maturidi and al-Ash’ari beliefs is as follows: if Maturis measure happiness with the current life of a person, Ash’aris appreciate the recent actions of human life. The teaching of al-Maturidi holds that the environment of a person affects his/her faith. If people are pious, that will strengthen his/her faith. Therefore if a person will be surrounded by unbelieving people, he will also be godless. Thus, according to worldview of al-Maturidi a happiness and misery of man in the afterlife is determined by his/her environment in life. Happy people may lose their benefits at the expense of the environment. Also, an unhappy person can become happy as a result of environmental influences. According to the teaching of al-Ash’ari a person’s position in life does not show his/her happiness and misery, this is determined by his/her past deeds in life. If the last human actions were good, his/her previous acts will be considered righteous, i.e., his/her happiness is associated with the latest acts in life. Despite the fact that life was full of blessings, happiness will be determined by his/her most recent actions during life. Key words: Maturidi, al-Ashari, aqeedah, religion, Islam, happiness, misfortune, faith.




How to Cite

Бейсенов, Б. Қ., Юлдашев, Т. У., & Мұқан, Н. (2018). The happiness and unhappiness concepts in the al-Maturidi and al-Ash’ari beliefs. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 62(4), 23–30. Retrieved from