Religious and political relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan: status and problems


  • Т. Т. Аймухамбетов Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Ш. С. Рысбекова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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In this article, the authors of the work done on the analysis of state-confessional relations. This analysis was carried out on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Modern realities require the society and the government the right to understanding the role of state-confessional relations in business formation and development of public and state institutions, in general, and the state as a whole. It describes the establishment of the development of these relations and their role in the formation of life of Kazakh society in modern times. Describing, in general, the development of these relations, considered the state policy on the settlement of this relationship and its vision of becoming. Particular attention is focused on the relationship of the state with different religious denominations and organizations, is considered its dynamics. Undoubtedly, it is shown that the state-confessional relations are built in accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution, where Kazakhstan is a democratic, secular and legal state. Freedom of conscience is one of the most important human rights.
Key words: Confession, religion, religious and political relations, Kazakhstan, religious organizations, secular, formation, problems.


How to Cite

Аймухамбетов, Т. Т., & Рысбекова, Ш. С. (2018). Religious and political relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan: status and problems. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 231–236. Retrieved from