Cultural traditions and innovations in modern Kazakhstan society


  • Қ. А. Затов Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • Ж. У. Қаңтарбаева Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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дәстүр, жасампаздық, ұлттық сана-сезім, мәдениетаралық сұхбат, төзімділік.


This article discusses the problems associated with the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After gaining social and political freedom the question of freedom of spirit and consciousness arises. Therefore, in connection with the changes in society and requires a reassessment of values, which is reflected in all spheres. To move forward in a new line of development, it is necessary to turn around and back into the past. To take advantage of past experience and not to repeat the same mistakes as in the past. In the context of globalization preservation of identity, maintaining the stability of the integrity of the nation depends on the spiritual state, and the creative energy of the whole nation. For the development of nations in the country’s independence should be as solid past and common goals and objectives, the general ideas of the future. Article is devoted to issues of cultural identity, relationships, intercultural dialogue, the traditions and the ability to connect them with innovation, tolerance and mutual respect.
Key words: traditions, innovation, national morale, intercultural dialogue, tolerance.


How to Cite

Затов, Қ. А., & Қаңтарбаева, Ж. У. (2015). Cultural traditions and innovations in modern Kazakhstan society. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from