Religious tolerance in Maturudy’s world-view


  • D. S. Dariyabek
        32 25

Ключевые слова:

Maturidi, religion, mazhab, tolerance


Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi resting upon the power of uahy and reason succeeded in shaping his systematic religious perception. It is obvious that in the process of converting into Islam they were influenced by their old religious ideas, besides, the new muslim turkic tribes were able to cling their old national self-determination. During this Islamization process Turkic tribes adopted Hanafy – Maturidi mazhab. Particularly, the narrow spread of this mazhab promoted it to be identified as specifically Turkic mazhab.
In this article we attempted to view the tolerant principle by Maturidi towards the other faiths based on his own works and the modern researched works.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Kafirun suresi, 6-ayat.
2 Nakhl suresi, 125-ayat.
3 Günay, Ünver. Türklerin Dini Tarihinde ve Kültüründe Çoğulculuk ve Hoşgörü, Erciyes Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Dergisi, 1998, sayı: 10. – s. 49-68.
4 Abu Mansur al-Maturidi. – Ragyp patsha kitapkhanasy. 67 a, 309 а, 338 а, 667 b, 748 b.
5 Maturidi, Tauilat, p. 189ª, 338ª
6 Maturidi, Tauilat, p. 309ª. 309b.
7 Maturidi, Tauilat, p. 22ª, 67b, 173b, 388b, 412ª, 413ª, 507ª.
8 Kalmakhan Erzhan. Maturidi akidasy (Paigambarlarga iman). – Almaty: «Kokzhiek – B» baspasy, 2011. – 176 b.
9 Maturidi, Tauilat, p. 15 a
10 Hanifi ÖZCAN. Mâtüridî’deDînî Çoğulculuk. – İstanbul – 1995. -140s.
11 M.Saffet Sarıkaya. Maturîdî’nin Din Anlayışında Hoşgörü. / e-makâlât Mezhep Araştırmaları, III / 2 (Güz 2010). – ss. 145-
164 /


Как цитировать

Dariyabek, D. S. (2016). Religious tolerance in Maturudy’s world-view. Вестник КазНУ. Серия философии, культурологии и политологии, 51(2). извлечено от