Theoretical problems of the concept “Takfir” in islam
In the article are considered theoretical problems of concepts “heresy / kufr”, “takfïr”in Islamic faith and of the phenomenon “takfïrism”. The categories and the typologies of disbelief in Islam are analyzed. At the same time, the position of Shari’a to the notion “takfïr” is stated. Islam has very strict views on takfïr and heresy. In Islam the reasons and circumstances leading to the disbelief are specified exactly. Because accusing someone on heresy has psychological, social, political and etc. consequences and encumbrances. Therefore, if there is no clear and reliable basis, Islam forbids the implementation of the takfïr. People also are warned that the responsibility is very serious.
Key words: heresy/kufr, takfïr, takfirism, typology of heresy, Islam, Sharia, Quran, Hadith, kalam doctrine, faith, infidels/kafir.