The Innovative Approach of Askar Tokpanov in the Development of the Stage Directing in Kazakh Theatre


  • Б. К. Нұрпейіс Kazakh national academy of arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov
        42 106


The article deals with thedirecting novelty of the first Kazakh professional director A.Tokpanov. It is found that no matter what the subject he addressed the director always tried historically to show significantly traditions and life of the people with showing exactly ethnographic costumes. Also, he paid more attention to the text of the play, the author’s style, the correct formulation of the voice, the rhythm of the words, the stress on the creative work required for elocution. The director brought in the actors freedom of thought, responsibility for each role. A. Tokpanov required disclosure of significant features of human existence, his spiritual wealthon the stage he conducted painstaking work on each role with the actors and made an indispensable contribution to the development of acting as well.
Key words: theater, art, classic, performance, set design, director, actor.


How to Cite

Нұрпейіс, Б. К. (2018). The Innovative Approach of Askar Tokpanov in the Development of the Stage Directing in Kazakh Theatre. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 187–194. Retrieved from