The history and features of the spread of Islam


  • А. Д. Құрманалиева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Д. С. Утебаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        75 251


The situation with religion and religious processes in the country and in the world, became the reason of occurrence of various changes in society. This fact in turn requires basic research aimed at solving problems related to the relationship between the state and religion and between man and society. The radicalization of society, terrorism, extremism and Islamophobia in society are the reason for writing this article. The authors of the article analyze the history of the spread of Islam and its revival in the modern world. The authors emphasize the difficulty of identifying the concepts of Islam and Islamization. According to the authors, the politicization of Islam in the modern world, distorts the real essence of religion. In the article, the authors talk about the theories of Islamization, the place and role of prophet Muhammad in spreading Islam. Also in this article the authors make a brief comparative analysis between the terms «Dawa» and «mission.»
Key words: islamization, reislamization, da’wah, misson, prophet Muhammad.


How to Cite

Құрманалиева, А. Д., & Утебаева, Д. С. (2018). The history and features of the spread of Islam. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 65–71. Retrieved from