The problem of man in the philosophy of religion in progressive trend of XX century


  • Т. Қ. Абдрасилов Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Қ. Қ. Қалдыбай Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
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In this article analyzing separately the current philosophy in the twentieth century, we have shown their point of view with respect to each of the areas. In particular were considered, psychoanalysis, religious experiment epistemological knowledge of religion, and other areas. However, each of which takes as its basis the various directions and positions. Most importantly, the modern religious situation and the philosophy of religion can not relate to the problems of man. Nevertheless, they all have certain conventionalist direction, none of them does not promote or fanatical atheist beliefs, and they show their own example of a rational attitude to religion.
Key words: Religion, philosophy, human, spirituality, moral qualities.


How to Cite

Абдрасилов, Т. Қ., & Қалдыбай, Қ. Қ. (2018). The problem of man in the philosophy of religion in progressive trend of XX century. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 21–30. Retrieved from